Colombia market update – September 19

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Colombia’s Colcap index shed 0.24% on light trading of COP$120.8 billion. Price changes were rather muted across the spectrum as a pair of smaller companies, Corficol and Biomax, led the gainers while Colinversiones fell 2.04% to pull up the rear.

Hotel revenues across Colombia increased 3.8% in July 2011 versus the prior year as occupancy rates rose to 53.7% (vs. 52.8% in July 2010) and room
rates were generally 2% higher across all types.

Retail sales in July increased 11.8%, led by information equipment (49.6%), tools and hardware (22.0%), and appliances and furniture (21.6%). Auto and motorcycle sales were 21.2% higher. For the current year 2011, retail sales are up 13.8%, and 8.4% ex-autos.

2nd quarter GDP figures are expected to be reported on Thursday.

The Peso weakened the most in months as is dropped nearly 2% to the dollar today. It closed at 1,857.00 on trading of nearly COP$1.7 trillion.

Colomkbia markets

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