Colombia grateful for support UNASUR

Colombia says it is grateful for the support in its fight against illegal
armed groups it received at the Union of South American Nations
(UNASUR) summit in Brazil.

Members of the South American union unanimously denied the legitimacy of illegal armed groups, according to Bogotá “an unprecedented decision.”

UNASUR adopted a resolution reaffirming the commitment of its twelve members to the “peaceful coexistence of peoples, respect for the democratic systems of government and its protection in terms of defense against internal or external threats in the framework of national regulations.”

The resolution also rejects “the presence or activities of armed groups outside the law to promote violence whatever their origin.”

Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermúdez described the support as “an achievement of the country’s foreign policy.”

“We know that the only way to end drug trafficking and to end terrorism is to have the unconditional support of the international community,” Bermúdez added.

Colombia had earlier refused Unasur if its members wouldn’t support the country’s government in it’s 44-year old conflict with insurgent groups.

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