Colombia govt agrees to ceasefire with ELN if rebels end victimization of civilians

Colombia’s government has said it is willing to a agree to a bilateral ceasefire with the ELN rebel group, but only if the guerrillas end, among others, extortion and kidnapping activities.

Citing Pope Francis as saying “unity prevails over conflict,” Colombia’s Catholic Church called on both parties to agree to a ceasefire ahead of the religious leader’ visit to the South American country in September.

Colombia’s Catholic Church

In a response, the government’s chief negotiator in Quito said in a letter that the government will agree on a ceasefire, but only if the guerrillas also end hostilities that affect the civilian population or public infrastructure.

Government chief negotiator Luis Carlos Restrepo

The ELN has long called for a bilateral ceasefire, but has refused to end, for example, its kidnapping practices ahead of a cessation of hostilities.

Colombia’s ELN rebels propose ceasefire ahead of Pope’s visit

However, following the church’s request and the government negotiator’s response, the more than 50-year-old guerrilla group said it “welcomed” Restrepo’s willingness “to leave behind a policy sustained for five years to ‘talk in the midst of war’.”


In response, Restrepo made it clear to both the ELN and the public that the ELN will first have to explicitly agree with the government-imposed conditions to end all hostilities.

While the negotiations have proceeded, the ELN’s ongoing violence and admitted incursion in territory formerly under control of the now-demobilizing FARC guerrilla group has fueled mistrust on the part of the government.

Due to the rebels’ close links with the Catholic faith, the visit of Pope Francis has been seen as an opportunity to work towards a ceasefire.

If such an agreement is reach, this would mean that the last original illegal actor of Colombia’s 53-year-old armed conflict will also effectively leave the battlefield while negotiations about their future continue.

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