Colombia-Ecuador meeting postponed

Colombian Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin has postponed her meeting with Ecuadorian counterpart Ricardo Patiño to attend former Argentine President Nestor Kirchner’s funeral.

Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack on Wednesday. He was supposed to meet with Holguin today in Quito to, as the two countries are working restore diplomatic ties. Patiño will travel with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa to Buenos Aires to mourn Kirchner.

Holguin and Paniño were going to discuss the information Colombia claims to have found on computer hard drives of guerrilla leader “Raul Reyes” who was killed in a raid in 2008. Bogota claimed that the drives contained evidence linking Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa to the guerrillas.

The meeting between the two foreign ministers will be rescheduled.

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