Colombia discovers world’s 4,331st species of cockroach

People who consider cockroaches as pests now have one more species to contend with, following the discovery of a new type in Antioquia by young Colombian scientist Andres Bravo.

The newly-discovered cockroach species was found in Puerto Berrio, in the department of Antioquia, and distinguishes itself from other cockroaches by the way in which it recycles nutrients from dead trees.

The species was examined by five worldwide experts before being officially announced as its own distinct species of cockroach.

Andres Bravo unearthed the new species while conducting field research in his native Antioquia department.

“They live in very conserved sites and decompose wood and organic matter,” said Gonzalo Abril, a specialist at the National University.

The discovery is the 4,331st species of cockroach to be identified in the world.

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