Colombia and EU to expand agreement on crime fighting

Police organization Europol will soon start brokering a deal with Colombia on sharing information to improve the fight againt drug trafficking and the FARC.

European Interior and Justice ministers are expected to authorize the police organization to begin talks with Colombia on the cooperation pact.

The new agreement will allow the European police office (Europol) and Colombian authorities to exchange personal information of suspected drug traffickers and members of the FARC as well as the drug trafficking routes, which was not possible under a 2004 strategic agreement.

According to Spanish press agency Efe, the agreement will be in full effect by March 2010 after the European Parliament had a vote on the matter.

The agreement will ban the sharing of the exchanged information with third parties or using it for purposes other than those specified in the agreement.

Europol conducted a study to determine if Colombia has adequate information protection structures, which was a condition for the cooperation treaty.

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