Chavez relaunches aggression against Colombia

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez relaunched his verbal offensive against Colombia on Wednesday, denouncing her Foreign Minister as “disgraceful”.

Chavez called the Minister Jamie Bermudez, “disgraceful” following Bermudez’ criticism of the organization UNASUR for remaining so mute in the face of Chavez’ recent war threats and aggression against Colombia, reported Colombia media Thursday.

Bermudez on Wednesday stated “it is dissappointing that UNASUR, which promotes precisely … tranquility, stability and peace in the region, has not said anything about [the war threats].”

Chavez was reported saying “out came Colombia’s Foreign Minister saying that Venezuela talks of war. But he does not say anything about what provoked me because we are live on air … I tell you disgraceful, as digraceful as his President … disgracing Colombia.”

Chavez further returned to his position as defending his country from the threats posed as a result of the Colombia – U.S. military agreement which was signed some two weeks ago.

The controversial accord, which caused Venezuela to break relations with Colombia in July, will allow U.S. military personnel access to airbases across Colombia supposedly with the objective of combatting terrorism and drug trafficking in the country. Chavez considers it the greatest current threat to Latin America as a whole.

Tensions heightened ten days ago when Chavez called upon his military forces and the Venezuelan public to prepare for war with Colombia however, he retracted this statement several days later denying that he was promoting armed conflict.

Chavez exclaimed “Long live Colombia … I feel more Colombian than [the President Alvaro] Uribe … he is not Colombian, he is a yankee wannabe.”

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