Cartagena film festival announces winners

Latin America’s oldest film festival, the Cartagena de las Indias Film Festival, has announced its winners:

Official Fiction Competition

Best movie: “Post Mortem” by Pablo Lorrain (Chile). *$10,000 prize*

Best director: Daniel Vega and Diego Vega (Peru) for “Octubre” (October).

Best actor: Gabino Rodriguez (Mexico) for “Asalto al cine” (Assault Against the Cinema).

Best actress: Claudia Celedon (Chile/U.S.) for “Gatos viejos” (Old Cats).

Best scriptwriter: Natalia Smirnoff (Argentina) for “Rompecabezas” (Puzzles).


Official Short Film Competition

Best short film: “Esto es un revolver” (This is a revolver) by Pablo Gonzalez (Colombia).

Special prize: “Las dias del verano son mas largos” (The Days of the Summer are Longer) by Aina Calleja (Mexico).

Special prize for best director: “Blokes” by Marialy Rivas (Chile).


Official Documentary Competition

Best documentary: “Pequeñas voces” (Little Voices) by Jairo Carillo and Oscar Andrade (Colombia). *$5,000 prize*

Special prize: “Agnus Dei, Cordera de Dios: (Agnus Dei, Lamb of God) by Jesus Romero (Mexico).

Special prize: “El edificio de los Chilenos” (The Chilean’s building) by Macarena Aguilo (Chile).


New Colombian Creators

Best documentary: “Reciclando recuerdos” (Recycling Memories) by Catalina Vasquez Salazar of the University of Antioquia.

Best animated film: “Introspeccion” (Introspection) by Andres Felipe Barajas of the University Pontifica Javeriana.

Best fiction movie: “Permiso para soñar” (Permission to Dream) by Claudia Iguaran Manjaras of the University of Magdalena.

100% Colombian

Best Colombian movie: “La sociedad del semaforo” (The Society of the Stoplight) by Ruben Mendoza.

Special prize: “Todos tus muertos” (All Your Dead) by Carlos Moreno.

Special prize: “Apaporis, en busca del rio” (Apaporis, in search of the river) by Antonio Dorado.

100% Colombia “Movie City” Prize: “Garcia” by Jose Luis Rugeles. *$25,000 prize*


International Critic’s Prize: “La vida util” (The Useful Life) by Federico Veijoj (Uruguay).

The Cartagena Film Festival, which celebrates and promotes Latin America, in particular Colombian cinema, closed Wednesday after a week of premiere film screenings, talks by producers, and awards ceremonies.

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