Buddhist relic tour arrives in Bogota

Visitors to the Universidad del Rosario in Bogota this weekend will be able to see some of the finest relics of Buddhist culture.

The free exhibition is part of a relic tour organized by the Maitreya Project of the Temple of the Heart and includes 35 items which belonged to the Buddha Sakyamuni and his most famous disciples, which were found amongst the ashes of the cremated spiritual masters.

The relics will be arranged around a life-sized golden statue of the Buddha Maitreya – who, according to religious scripture, will be the next Buddha to appear and teach on Earth.

The Maitreya Project’s website describes: “the wish of the Spiritual Director of the Maitreya Project, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, that the collection should travel throughout the world to bring the blessings of the relics and the message of loving-kindness to people everywhere.”

The exhibition will be open to the public on the February 5, 6 and 7.

To find out more, click here.

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