‘Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie house-hunting in Colombia’

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are looking to buy a house in Colombia, an Italian property consultant said Saturday.

According to Alessandro Proto, who has reportedly helped a number of Hollywood’s biggest stars to buy houses, the movie-star pair are particularly interested in finding a home in or around Cali.

“The couple fell in love with the city during a secret visit at the feria,” Proto told Colombia Reports. The Feria de Cali is a festival of dance and parades that takes place in late December each year.

According to the property consultant, Brangelina asked him to look for mansions with no less than 15 bedrooms. He added that if the Hollywood couple find a happy home in Colombia, he will be able to propose the country to his other high-profile clients.

Angelina may have fallen in love with the region when she paid a visit to Ecuador in June, where she met with Colombian refugees and Ecuadorean president Rafael Correa in a small town near the Colombian border.

Cali, which the starry couple apparently plan to make their base in Colombia, is the country’s third-largest city, located in the south-western department of Valle del Cauca. It is an unusual choice for a celebrity pad, lacking the more obvious attractions of the Caribbean coast or the capital Bogota.

A study released earlier this year ranked Cali as the sixth-most violent city in the world, with 73 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2009. Brangelina are unlikely to be phased by the danger, however, as the traveling pair are happy own a home in the U.S. city of New Orleans, which the study ranked just two places below Cali as the world’s eight-most violent urban area.

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