Bond girls string quartet to play in Bogota

Colombia News - Chicas Bom

Best-selling string quartet Bond band is set to play a concert in Bogota this June, report local media.

On June 13 and 14, the British and Australian beauties will perform their electrifying crossover classical music for over 3,500 people at the Jorge Gaitain theater in Colombia’s capital.

The famous female quartet composed of Tania Davis (violin), Eos Chater (violin), Elspeth Hanson (viola) and Gay-Yee Westerhoff (cello) are best known for their mix of classical, pop, and electronic music.

According to the band’s webpage, the group is currently recording a medley of Lady Gaga hits at the request of its Japanese label. The Lady Gaga medley will be available initially by phone download before its digital release as part of a special Japanese album launch.

The Bond girls have been described as the best-selling string quartet of all time, selling over 4 million records. The group has released its new album in Mexico and will be releasing it in Japan this September.

Tickets for the show ranging from $44 to $97 will be on sale at the Jorge Gaitain theater box-office prior to the concert at 8PM.

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