Bogota votes for city slogan

More than 4,000 citizens of Colombia’s capital city Bogota voted culture the most important characteristic about the city so far, RCN Radio reported on Friday.

The survey was conducted online as a part of the Bogota District Institute of Tourism and Bogota Chamber of Commerce’s city marketing campaign which seeks to promote Bogota abroad.

Respondents topped 10,000 and were asked to choose what they most liked about the city. They were also asked how they would finish the sentence “Welcome to Bogota, the city of ______,” where other options included diversity, development, partying and education, among others.

When asked what image would most represent the city on a postcard, the most popular responses included Monserrate, La Candelaria, and the Gold Museum.

“What we’re most looking for in a city slogan is to itentify ourselves in the minds of those we most want to impact, mainly foreigners,” said Nohora Isabel Vargas, the director of the District Institute of Tourism. “The idea is that the more international tourists that recognize us and visit, the more investors will come and find more business opportunities in the city.”

An open competition aimed at advertising agencies to create the official image of the city will be held with the results of the survey in mind. It will open on September 19 and close at the end of October.

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