Bogota schedules a cultural U-20 farewell fiesta

Bogota has planned a flurry of cultural activity to celebrate the U-20 Soccer farewell party scheduled to last a full 24 hours starting Friday August 19, reports Caracol Radio.

The city will come alive with various cultural and musical performances that will last all night, according to Culture, Sports, and Recreation Secretary Catalina Ramirez.

“We will have designated areas where there will be free theatrical functions and musical shows in Bosa, Teusaquillo, Chapinero, El Tuna, Plaza de Bolivar, Parque 93 and Zona T,” Ramirez confirmed.

Various theaters will be offering free shows at midnight, including Casa Ensamble, La Libélula Dorada, El Centro Cultural Gabriel García Márquez and El Teatro La Candelaria, among others.

Also, the Museo Nacional, Museo de Botero, and the Museo del Oro, will be opening their doors to the public, free of charge, until 10PM Friday.

Teatro Jorge Eliécer Gaitán will be presenting a Colombian opera concert called “Serenata Latinoamericana” which includes a repertoire of tango, boleros, and music of the Andes.

Plaza de Bolívar will also be spicing things up with performances as part of their 14th annual Salsa al Parque Festival.

Police will be patrolling the designated areas of activity throughout the city and the Transmilenio transportation system will be running for the entire 24 hour period.

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