Bogota man resurrects 45 minutes after being declared dead

Bogota's Kennedy Hospital (Photo: Bogota Mayor's Office)

A Bogota man has surprised doctors in a hospital in Colombia’s capital by waking up 45 minutes after being declared dead, local media reported Wednesday.

The 39-year old local officially died of a stab wound to the heart, doctors at the Kennedy Hospital determined.

However, 45 minutes after his cardiac arrest, the man’s heart began beating again, hospital director Juan Ernesto Oviedo told reporters.

“It’s indescribable. We are amazed by this unusual case. I can say that in my career as a doctor I have never seen anything similar,” the hospital executive was quoted by Caracol Radio.

The most curious thing about the revival was that the patient woke up from the dead without any damage to the brain.

“Usually, after 15 minutes of heart inactivity there is little chance the brain responds or there is neurological damage. This man is conscious and without brain issues,” Oviedo said.

Following an emergency response to the man’s sudden and unexpected resurrection, doctors were again able to remove tubes from the man’s mouth so he could talk.

The hospital director said that there exists no scientific explanation for the stab victim’s revival, but stressed the efforts of hospital personal to save his life.


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