Bogota hosts massive video game conference

The Latin American Video Game Conference will be held in Colombia’s capital Bogota from October 18 to 20, drawing thousands of “students, professionals and developers” from the video game industry.

The anticipated convention will be held at the Bogota children’s museum, Maloka, entertaining guests with “chats, tournaments and commercial samples” and is expected to draw over 7,500 people during the three day conference.

The convention “ Expo” will also feature 20 international speakers from the industry to discuss the future of gaming, newspaper Semana reported, ultimately “seeking to improve Colombia’s position in the growing industry.”

Held for the third year in Bogota, the event manages to bring together various professionals in the field, including engineers, advertisers, developers and video game entrepreneurs.

The conference consists of five main areas for visitors to experience:

  1. Academic: provides the opportunity to learn about the world of video games from professionals in the field
  2. Business: a zone dedicated to to establishing business relationships in the industry
  3. Expo Area: where businesses display their video game products and services
  4. Tournament: the ideal arena for gamers to demonstrate their abilities and skill
  5. “Cosplay“: participants can represent their favorite character from a video game or anime

For more details about the event click here.

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