Bogota among LatAm’s top business destinations


Bogota is Latin America’s sixth most popular business destination, with 78% of foreigners who have visited the Colombian capital city so far in 2010 coming on business.

Colombia Travel Agent – Mantaraya Travel

Nohora Vargas, the director of Bogota’s tourism institute told a press conference Thursday that Bogota had received 349,000 international visitors between January and June of 2010, an increase from the 333,000 registered over the same time period the previous year.

Overall, 51.5% of the 678,177 visitors to Colombia in the first half of 2010 came on business. Tourism in the capital city generated an average $25 million a month between January and June.

Between June 2009 and May 2010, an average of 5,400 tourism-related jobs were created every month.

Vargas said that Bogota aims to have 14,093 hotel rooms available by the end of 2010, 46% of which will classified as luxurious. By 2012, the capital hopes to have 16,000 hotel rooms, of which 58% will be classified as luxury.

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