Colombian beauty queen advocates free love

Karina Guerra, a Colombian beauty pageant entrant from the Pacific coast, showed herself to be a “modern woman” in the love stakes when she offered some profound insights into the rules of attraction, in a revealing interview with El Tiempo.

According to the young stunner, who was named runner-up in the 2006 Miss Colombia competition and in the same year won best figure in Miss International, she has never been one to shy away from explorations in love and sexuality.

“I have never been able to fall in love with another woman because they don’t offer me what men do, but I’m not going to deny that women have caught my attention and yes I have explored,” said Guerra.

The beauty queen said that far from being something to hide, sexual experimentation is a basic human instinct.

“From when we are born we are in constant exploration and the human being must explore their sexuality.”

Being a beauty queen entrant has not led to any self-censorship from Guerra, who says that those who deny themselves their need to explore and “demonize it, are just afraid to come out of the closet.”

And the confident young woman doesn’t attribute her straight-talking on her “honest” Choco upbringing, as suggested by El Tiempo, but rather on being a “modern, free woman.”

To see the full interview with Karina Guerra, click here.

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