Battle of the babes: Sara Corrales vs. Marcela Mar

sara corrales, marcela mar, colombia news

Three months ago, bombshell Sara Corrales had an affair with Vecinos co-star Robinson Diaz, splitting up his marriage to actress Adriana Arango, and actress Marcela Mar got involved to declare war. This week, the confrontation resulted in charges of aggravated and direct injury – but for whom?

At the time Marcela Mar, star of the drama Capo, whose interest in Corrales’ affairs is unknown – perhaps she just likes a good scandal like the rest of us? – said of Corrales: “To me, the types of beauties such as Sara Corrales… are the stereotype and pepetuate [the glamorization] of drug trafficking in our country.” Previously she had said that this type of beauty “is like everything easy and immediate, the image of the prepaid woman which to me is disgusting.”

Them’s fighting words… and they took the girls all the way to court.

Corrales, who noted that several multi-media and internet source had published Mar’s statements, felt that her rights to a good name, honor and privacy had been violated, and dispatched her attorney Abelardo Espriella to press charges against Mar.

In a hefty 13-page file, newspaper El Espectador reports, Mar was accused of acting with “offensive spirit” against his client and, futhermore, behaved in a manner that was “improper and immoral to establish a link of the image of the actress Sara Corrales with criminal activities outside the law,” allegedly distorting the image that society has of the TV actress, and assuming that society cares about her “good name” which, as a home-wrecker, is surely not flourishing.

Taking his job far too seriously, Espriella issued a statement of the rules protecting privacy and personal honor: the Criminal Code, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights, the 1991 Constitution and the extensive case law that the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court has issued regarding the configuration of the crime of libel. Phew! He must really need to earn that paycheck.

These charges surely mark only the beginning of what is sure to be a long and drawn-out catfight that is set to get even higher ratings than the beauties’ respective hit shows. Stay tuned for updates!

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