Authorities arrest FARC guerrilla suspected of killing 11 soldiers

Colombian authorities have captured FARC guerrilla Carlos Alonso Vasquez, allegedly responsible for the 2002 assassination of 11 members of the military in Boyaca, various media reported Wednesday.

Alias “Wilder,” or “Ñoño,” who was arrested in Bogota, was part of the FARC’s 45th “Atanasio Girardot” Front, which operates in Boyaca.

According to police, Wilder was in charge of carrying out acts of terror against authorities and local populations in the areas where he operated.

Alonso Vasquez’s arrest was ordered by a Boyaca judge, for the crimes of rebellion and aggravated homicide, for his believed participation in the murders that occurred July 10, 2002 in the department’s El Espino municipality.

A sub-lieutenant, a corporal and nine army soldiers lost their lives in the incident, when FARC members, on the orders of Vasquez, ambushed troops during a series of confrontations between army and FARC members operating in the area.

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