Colombia signs UNASUR drug action plan

On Thursday Colombia signed a Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) action plan, which aims to fight the drug trade by sharing information between countries.

Ten of the 12 UNASUR member nations were present at a meeting in Quito to sign the action plan, which seeks to reduce both supply of and demand for narcotics.

Colombian Minister of the Interior and Justice German Vargas Lleras said that Colombia has valuable experience in the war on drugs, and that it is important for Colombia to participate in the action plan so that they can share their knowledge with other Latin America countries.

The plan was created by UNASUR’s South American Council on the World’s Drug Problem, which is made up of interior ministers and drug officials from the participating countries. The plan seeks to help countries reduce the demand for narcotics by researching prevention programs and treatment plans. It will also promote social inclusion and rural projects to prevent “at-risk” populations from becoming involved in illegal activities.

Ecuador’s Interior Minister Gustavo Jalkh said that drug trafficking doesn’t recognize international borders, so all countries must work together and share their expertise to eradicate the problem.

“In the case of modernization of the police, Colombia has extensive experience, which will inspire us to take action as they have taken for many years with excellent and very positive results for the institution of that country,” Jalkh said.

After the meeting, Vargas Lleras pledged to the Ecuadorian minister that Colombia would assist Ecuador in the war on drugs.

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