Sitting queen causes problems in Miss Bogota competition

Colombia News - Diana Mina

Beauty queen Diana Mina, the current Miss Bogota, has brought a poor attitude and little success to television channel City TV’s competition to choose her successor, gossip site reported.

In the program, Mina serves as a member of one of two teams competing to discover the city’s next beauty queen, according to celebrity news site Lafiscalia.

Those involved in the production said that there have been a number of complaints on the part of the production regarding the queen’s behavior. Mina has apparently been snobbish and demanding, and her late arrivals on various occasions have delayed recording.

The program is running behind schedule with only a week left to finish the competition, and thus far, has not experienced the popularity that was anticipated.

Mina, a La Guajira native, was the first Afro-Colombian to be crowned Miss Bogota, in July 2010.

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