Petro suggests 2nd-round coalition with Greens

Polo Democratico presidential candidate Gustavo Petro said Thursday that he would form a coalition with the Green Party, if he were to enter a second round in the upcoming Colombian presidential elections.

The former M-19 guerrilla made the announcement via his Twitter account, later clarifying that this did not mean he was supporting Green Party candidate Antanas Mockus‘ candidacy.

Petro stressed that he would only invite the Greens to form a coalition if Polo Democratico passed to a second round vote.

Voter polls indicated that support for Petro hovers steadily at 5% and it is unlikely he would reach a second round election.

Colombians will go to the polls May 30 to elect their next president. If none of the candidates wins more than 50% of the vote, the two leading candidates will face off in a second round election.

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