Dutch cycling event to paint Bogota orange for 5th consecutive year

Ciclovia Naranja (Photo: Embajada de los paises bajos en Colombia)

Together with the District Institute of Recreation and Sport (IDRD), the Dutch Embassy aims to draw attention to the green economy, as well as a safer transport system.

Holland is renowned for its use of the bicycle; in the cities of Amsterdam and The Hague up to 70% of all journeys are made by bike, and there are more bicycles than residents in The Netherlands, according to the BBC.

MORE: Dutch National Day turns Bogota’s roads orange

The Dutch Ambassador to Colombia, Robert van Embden, is a staunch promoter of cycling in the city, and will lead the ciclovia cycle tour.

The embassy announced that the orange ciclovia aims to “show the use of the bicycle as a representative element of Dutch culture,” as well as how the bicycle contributes to sustainable development.

In an interview with Colombia Reports, spokeswoman Berber van der Woude explained that the infrastructure of Bogota, a city that closes 200 kilometers of road each Sunday and public holiday for cyclists, walkers and skaters, is perfect for an event like the orange ciclovia.

“The Bogota ciclovia is also a great opportunity to illustrate the good relations between Colombia and the Netherlands,” she added.

MORE: Cycling is best in Bogota

Bogota’s orange ciclovia is held in conjunction with Holland’s King’s Day, where the country celebrates their biggest festival of the year in honor of their monarch’s birthday.

2014 is the fifth consecutive year that the orange-themed ciclovia has been held in Colombia’s capital, and

Participants are invited to decorate themselves and their bikes with anything orange – the national color of Holland – with a prize of a new orange bike to the best dressed cyclist.

Throughout the day there will also be a series of activities surrounding the importance of the use of bicycles, and the closing event will involve a concert from the famous Dutch trumpet player

Those without a bicycle will be able to hire one at various locations around Bogota.


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