NGO presents campaign against corruption in Colombia

(Photo: Transparency International)

The Colombian branch of Transparency International has created an antibacterial soap kiosk and a booklet with five helpful suggestions to fight corruption in Colombia every day.

At 8AM in Colombia’s capital, Bogota, Transparency for Colombia tweeted out a very provocative and promising tweet.

“What is the formula to fight corruption?  Today, at 10AM in the Bolivar Plaza, the answer. #NoMoreCorruption,” read the tweet.

The NGO launched their campaign in the plaza that lies in the middle of Colombia’s three branches of government.

The plaza became scattered with antibacterial soap kiosks where representatives from Transparency for Colombia urged passersby to wash their hands free of “the bacteria of corruption” with the “anti-corruption soap.”

The soap comes with a booklet outlining five simple tips for combatting corruption: 1) Do not pay or ask for bribes; 2) Demand accountability from elected officials; 3) Do not copy or plagiarize others’ work at school or at your job; 4) Do not pay extra for things to go quicker in your favor; 5) To vote is a right, do not sell it.

This campaign began in anticipation of the upcoming congressional and presidential elections in March and May of 1014 respectively.

“We need to start thinking about what we expect for our country’s next leaders,” said Elisabeth Unger, director of the parent NGO, Transparency International, “Let’s move so that we can achieve a corruption-free country.”


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