Music legend Jorge Villamil Cordovez dies age 80

One of Colombia’s most important music composers Jorge Villamil Cordovez passed away on Sunday in his home in Bogota, at the age of 80.

Born in 1929 in the department of Huila, Villamil Cordovez released over 200 songs in his lifetime and was recognized for his command of Colombian musical genres, ranging from porro to bolero.

The legendary musician won several awards for his compositions and was one of the founders of the National Bambuco Festival in his hometown.

The composer also inspired and founded the Society of Authors and Composers in Colombia, of which he was president for many years.

Jorge Villamil Cordovez was married to Olga Lucia Ospina, with whom he had two children, Jorge and Ana Maria. He had been battling serious illness for the past few months.

A funeral will be held for the Colombian musician in the country’s capital.

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