Medellin New Year’s Eve light-gazing

Colombia news - fireworks

After dizzle dazzle of the super duper fairy lights along Medellin river and Avenida La Playa for Christmas, New Year’s Eve in the City of Eternal Spring is more of a muted affair.

Unlike in other countries or Colombia’s capital Bogota, there little to zilch going on in the public sphere so try to find a nice Paisa family to see in the new year with.

If you don’t have one or can’t persuade a Medellin mom to take you in, Colombia Reports suggest a nice hike up to one of the many lookout points in the city and gazing at the twinkling illuminations.

El Cerro Volador has been renovated and the kitsch Pueblito Paisa at the top of Cerro Nutibara is another place from which to stare at the artificial stars and the fireworks if there are any.

Avenida Las Palmas has three spots from which to survey the beauty of the illuminated metropolis.

In any case, be prepared to get there early evening, stay up all night, and leave after sunrise.

Taxis will be hard to flag down and the metro will only run until 10PM. However trains will start again in the new year at 8AM.

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