Experts from Pixar and Dreamworks to give free talks in Colombia

Pixar characters

Experts from Pixar and Dreamworks will be coming to Bogota as part of “Colombia 3.0”, a conference about digital content involving talks, workshops and seminars.

The conference, which will run between the 2nd and 5th of September, will offer more than 120 activities run by national and international experts in animated movies, videogames, app-design, and other digital content.

Supported by the Ministry for Information and Communications, the conference will also give the chance to government representatives, businesses, investors and entrepreneurs to exchange experiences and ideas in the hope of creating new opportunities in the digital field.

The academic focus of the conference, now in its third year, is divided between 6 different areas: videogame development; mobile app development; software development; digital animation; music; storytelling across different forms of media, or “transmedia”; and business.

One of the international figures attending the conference will be Avner Geller, a visual development artist at Dreamworks. He will lead the workshop “Designing Characters”, where he will speak about inspiration and what to do when it’s lacking. The idea will be to learn how to convert a design into a successful idea.

Colombia’s Luis Carlos Uribe, one of the character animators for the movie “Life of Pi”, will give a talk focusing on character animation, but also touching on how he first got into animating and then broke into the industry.

The Colombia 3.0 website describes those participating as typically between 25 and 45, who “love technology and everything related to digital culture; [they are] enterprising, talented and curious, wanting to explore new paths in order to create and produce.”

The conference will take place in “Zona T”, Bogota, under a special tent next to Atlantis Plaza. Those wanting to participate can sign up free here.

The schedule of events is here.


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