Bomba Estero’s Feelin’

Bomba Estereo will release their new music video for Feelin’ at the Resonancia Colombia 2010 in Bogota on Thursday.

The video was produced by Tonka Experimental Cinema who contacted fifteen movie and commercial directors. Each director filmed Bomba Estereo’s live performance of Feelin’ in the Teatro Metro in Bogota last February.

The directors only had one opportunity to capture the group perform Feelin’ and came out with a little over four minutes of film. Tonka also installed five of their own cameras to record the performance.

Tonka’s goal was to collect 15 different “feelings” of the performance and bring them together into one music video.

Bomba Estereo is performing with Superlitio and La Republica on Thursday at Teatro Metro in Bogota.

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