Bogota prepares for 2nd religious music festival

Colombia’s capital city Bogota is preparing to host the second Sacred Music Festival, aimed at promoting music from spiritual backgrounds. 

The festival, which is free to the public, begins on September 20 and will run until October 5. The festival is organised by the Cultural Corporation Intercolombia and is expected to attract up to ten thousand spectators from all over Latin America.

The event will allow spectators to explore and experience the diversity of different cultures through the medium of spiritual and sacred forms of music from all over the world.

Bogota is the fifth UNESCO, “city of music” in the world and the only city with the title in all of Latin America.

MORE: Bogota named UNESCO City of Music

Acts will include the Spanish group Axivil Aljamía, who will perform their repertoire of Moorish and Sephardic romances, and will take place in churches, temples and auditoriums throughout Bogota.


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