Amnesty International calls for release of all hostages

Amnesty International urges Colombia’s guerrilla groups to stop all kidnapping and hostage taking.

The human rights group released a statement Thursday welcoming the FARC’s release of hostage Marcos Baquero, but highlighting the fact that many other hostages are still being held by the FARC and the ELN.

A.I. called on all guerrilla groups to put “an immediate and unconditional end to kidnapping and hostage-taking.”

The NGO also demanded the immediate release of all hostages being held in the custody of the guerrilla groups along with legal action against those who have perpetrated kidnappings.

Amnesty International’s statement follows the release Wednesday of the first of five political hostages set to be freed.

Publicity over the operation to liberate five political hostages from Wednesday to Sunday has brought forward activists who call for the release of the more than 200 civilian hostages still held by guerrilla groups.

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