Aerosmith rock Bogota, say ‘chimba’

Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler got familiar with his Colombian fans in Bogota Thursday night by using the rather cheeky local slang word “chimba.”

Tyler, known to fans as “the demon of screamin’,” shrieked out the the 8,000 or so Colombians gathered at the Simon Bolivar Park, “que chimba!”

The typical Colombian phrase for “how cool,” “awesome” is emblematic of Colombian youth today, to whom everything is just “chimba,” but it can also be used as a particularly grotesque name for female genitalia or a woman.

The aging rocker delighted his Bogotano fans when he yelled out the phrase in mangled Spanish.

Aerosmith went on to rock Bogota with a string of hits, “Jamie’s got a gun,” “living on the edge,” “Amazing” and “Don’t wanna miss a thing.”

Tyler was in fine form, running around the stage and showing off his infamous high pitched screaming skills, despite a nasty fall in a Paraguayan shower last week that left him sporting an impressive black eye and a cut up face.

Despite the nasty shower induced injuries, that were apparently not the result of a drug or alcohol induced stupor, the infamous rock and roll legend was in top form.

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