99% foreign visitors to Medellin ‘highly satisfied’: Poll

Colombia news - Medellin

Of foreign visitors to Medellin, 99% are “highly satisfied” with their stay, the local government said in a press release Thursday.

The city’s undersecretary of tourism asked a national pollster to measure tourist satisfaction and received the astonishingly high results.

The pollster interviewed 387 foreigners, 45% of whom were from North America and Europe.

According to the tourism undersecretary, the extremely high tourist satisfaction rate is “thanks to the diversity and quality of the services the city offers.”

A similar poll held among tourists to the Grampians, one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations, showed that only 65% of visitors were “highly satisfied.” Only 70% of visitors to the Pacific islands of Hawaii rated the islands “excellent.”  and of the visitors of the 2010 World Cup Soccer in South Africa, only 72% were “highly satisfied.”

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