The Global Commission on Drug Policy released a report on Monday in which it made seven recommendations that could reduce drug abuse worldwide and drug trafficking from Colombia.
Global Commission on Drug Policy
The following recommendations were copied integrally from the commission’s report and do not represent the views of this website.
1. Currently prohibited drugs should be regulated

2. Policymakers should seek evidence on the legal regulation of drugs and must open participatory processes to shape reform
3. States should consider experimenting with the incremental regulation of lower-potency drugs

4. Policymakers must not leave behind people and communities most affected by prohibition when legally regulating drug markets
5. States must maximize the development opportunities offered by regulating drug markets. This requires redeploying resources to mitigate anticipated changes in organized crime activity
6. UN member states should urgently consider the different option for modernizing the international drug control regime, in order to meet the needs of everyone with a stake in drug policy
7. The UN Secretary-General should take the lead on reforming the governance of the international drug control regime