60 elders receive primary school degree

Sixty impoverished elders learn to read and write, thanks to a Bogota university and social program.

According to El Espectador, an investment of $70,000 provided seniors with 288 hours of reading, writing, math, and computer classes. They also received money for transportation costs, food, and school supplies.

Upon completion of the course, the 60 students received the first diploma of their lives.

“A few months ago letters were just symbols that I did not understand, but after attending classes, I can help my granddaughter with her homework and read her a bedtime story at night,” said Ana Elsy Ibarra.

The director of the Institute for Social Economy (IPES) said, “these people have overcome many obstacles and in six months successfully learned to read and write from teachers who have given a lot…and this will facilitate their entrance into productive activities, family and community.”

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