33 caravaning Germans’ Cartagena dilemma

A traveling troop of 33 Germans, moving around South America in motor homes, arrived in Cartagena on Wednesday – only to encounter that age-old problem, no free parking…

According to El Tiempo, the European wanderlusters planned a pit stop in the historic coastal city, constituting part of the Colombian leg of their adventurous camping tour of the continent.

After arriving in the beautiful city, however, the travelers – who are all retirees between 53 and 75 years of age – found it impossible to find suitable parking and facilities for their cumbersome vehicles.

Whereas in cities such as Buenos Aires the visitors had found campsites equipped with electricity ports and running water, they were treated to no such luxury in the Colombian department capital.

The bavarian adventurers were not disheartened though – all far too busy being struck by the spectacular city and the luxuries it had to offer in other ways.

“It’s absolutely beautiful, incredible and friendly,” enthused the caravaning crowd.

After ten days of sightseeing, the German visitors certainly did not regret their decision to visit the Colombian tourist hotspot.

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