2nd annual Salsa Congress hits Medellin

Medellin is set to host acclaimed international acts at the 2nd annual Colombian Salsa Congress in July.

Taking place at the University of Medellin between 9-11 July, the Salsa event will include groups and couples from Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Cuba, Italy, Canada, Colombia, and the U.S. The new generation of salsa is headed by Medellin’s own Latin fusion outfit, “Siguarajazz,” as well as Cali-based three-time world salsa champions, “Swing Latino.”

The main attraction is a live performance from legendary bolero and salsa composer Cheo Feliciano, better known as “the spoiled child of Puerto Rico.”

The event also offers a range of concerts, workshops, conferences and a trade show open to both amateurs and professionals.

The 2nd annual Salsa congress will take place at the University of Medellin between 9-11 July 2010.

Full pass: COP356.000 ($178), day passes available. For more information see www.thecolombiasalsacongress.com

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