2,416 Colombia embassy cables leaked

Whistleblower website Wikileaks got its hands on 2,416 documents sent from or to the United States embassy in Bogota. None of the world media that were given access to information from a cache of over 250,000 cables on Sunday published contents from Bogota.

The oldest Bogota document obtained by Wikileaks dates January 17, 1985. The most recent one is from February 26, 2010 when Bogota sent out six communiques to Washington. The vast majority of cables are no older than six years.

According to Wikileaks, 1,176 of these documents are unclassified, 1,106 are confidential and 134 were classified as secret.

Of all countries in Latin America and the Bogota embassy saw most cables leaked. The U.S. embassy in Venezuela follows with 2,340 leaked cables and Mexico City with 2,285.

The leaked cables are part of over 250,000 State Department documents that were obtained by the website and of which parts were published by U.S. newspaper The New York Times and U.K daily The Guardian.

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