Youtube gives birth to Colombian ‘telesatanist’ (Video)

Fallen Angel

Youtube has given birth to a whole new breed of televangelists, although a recent Colombian incarnation seems to have an oddly satanic bent.

Colombian “fallen angel” and Youtube “artist” Hernando Velez Ortis released a video last November in which he requests viewers donate one dollar, one euro or 1,000 pesos to a savings account with local Banco Davivienda. Since the beginning of his amateur televangelist career, Colombia’s satanic version of Padre Chucho has uploaded more than 80 videos.

“Good word Microsoft word in the system, it’s Hernando Velez Ortis. Make a donation of support to this account number. This is the number of a savings account. Make this donation in Europe for one euro, a dollar in the United States and in Latin America one thousand pesos to help this fallen angel,” the quirky Ibague resident said in the video.

According to Velez Ortis, he requested these funds to continue pursuing his artistic endeavors which consist of him making one to twenty-minute low budget videos in which he miraculously showcases a complete lack of talent, his desperate search for a wife and his somewhat confusing explanation of god.

Banco Davivienda would not release details about their client’s financial standing but the fallen angel does not appear to be completely without funds. The flood of inane videos has only increased in past months and in the most recent the “telesatanist” promised a 666 medallion to the first 50 people who send him postcards.

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