Welcome to the new Colombia Reports

Thanks to contributions from readers like you, Colombia Reports is presenting a faster website with a new look and less advertising.

The new look is thanks to one of our regular readers, who donated the necessary funds for a new design.

Voluntary contributions from readers like you already allowed us to make the website faster and remove one advertisement position we felt was too intrusive.

Here’s what we did:

  • We removed the ad position on the top left of articles
  • We replaced the red menu bar by a white one to improve readability
  • We simplified the navigation
  • We changed the image on the top

Since our last donation drive in May last year, we have doubled the speed of the website, which should make Colombia Reports easier to use on mobile devices.

I must stress that none of this would have been possible without your financial support.

The only reason we can afford removing advertisement is because dozens of readers help us pay our monthly bills with a small monthly donation.

If you are not yet a “friend” of Colombia Reports, please consider becoming one.

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