W Radio presenter fired over salary dispute

Colombia News - Jorge Marin

Jorge Marin, a music critic for W Radio’s afternoon program “La Hora del Regreso,” was dismissed from his position after arguing over a salary raise.

A number of listeners had been curious over Marin’s prolonged absence from the show, and according to gossip site sweet.com, a source connected to the Colombian media channel finally provided an answer.

Apparently, Marin filed a request for a raise in salary, which was subsequently declined. Instead of politely accepting the decision, the presenter fought with his boss over the matter, leading the higher-up to tell him to pack his bags.

Despite Marin’s exit, a number of other presenters will continue to keep the program running smoothly.

“La Hora del Regreso” runs from 4-8 Monday – Friday, and features a wide variety of content, including light news, music, and discussions of fashion, culture and film.

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