Virgin Mary returns to Colombia

The virgin Mary returned to a town in the south of Colombia just in time for the holiday season, a local newspaper reported on Monday.

According to Diario del Huila, the virgin appeared on Sunday afternoon on the wall of a house in the town of El Agrado, Huila.

Nancy Urriago, owner of the house and the first to witness the apparent return of the mother of god, told the newspaper she saw the image as she was about to leave the house.

Urriago immediately shouted for her husband, who ran over and confirmed that the stain on the wall was in fact the virgin Mary.

As is common practice after the alleged appearance of the virgin Mary, the house turned into a shrine for local worshippers and the local priest was called to officially register the appearance. The priest however did not confirm if the colored stain is a genuine appearance of the mother of god or just a colored stain.

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