Vargas Lleras: FARC must free hostages before talks

German Vargas Lleras, Colombia’s incoming minister for justice and the interior, says the FARC guerrilla group must free all hostages as a pre-condition for talks with the government.

“If the FARC are truly interested in dialogue and initiating a process, they should do what is logical: unilaterally liberate all the hostages. Because there is no reason to continue tormenting those Colombians,” the former presidential candidate told W Radio.

Vargas Lleras, who is know for taking a hard line against the guerrillas, also expressed his support for Jaime Trujillo, who has just completed a 500 mile march to demand the liberation of his son Jorge Trujillo Solarte, who has spent eleven years in FARC captivity.

The Cambio Radical leader’s comments followed a meeting with the outgoing Minister for Justice and the Interior Fabio Valencia Cossio – talks which he described as very “pleasant” and “fruitful.”

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