Embezzlement charges take their toll on Colombian beauty queen

Poor old ex-Miss Colombia Valerie Dominguez just wants the nightmare of the Agricultural Income Insurance scandal to end, reported newspaper El Tiempo Friday.

The Colombian beauty queen would be having a whale of a time sifting through international movie offers and designing her latest jewelry line, were it not for those pesky embezzlement charges getting in her way.

Dominguez, who claimed her boyfriend duped her into accepting a $163,000 agricultural subsidy meant for poor farmers, has a full plate as she stars in the second season of hit show Los Caballeros Las Prefieran Brutas (Gentlemen Prefer Bimbos), studies acting at the Lee Strasberg Institute in New York and runs a successful jewelry business.

How is a beautiful soap star, officially one of Colombia’s most beautiful women, supposed to also find the time to attend court hearings? Well she’d better figure it out, before her next due date of February 10.

Dominguez is charged with falsifying a private document and embezzling government subsidies in the Agricultural Income Insurance scandal, which diverted funds meant for poor farmers into the hands of the rich and powerful. Her $163,000 tax-free sum was for “irrigation and drainage” project.

Former agricultural minister Andres Felipe Arias, the alleged mastermind behind the multi-million embezzlement of public funds, is currently in jail awaiting trial.

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