US ‘fully aware’ of Colombia’s efforts to curb drug trafficking: Santos

Following a private meeting with his counterpart Donald Trump’s chief of staff, John Kelly, President Juan Manuel Santos said Monday that the United States is “fully aware” of Colombia’s efforts to curb drug trafficking.

Trump criticized Colombia last week, surprisingly claiming he had “seriously considered” to decertify the country as an ally in international counter narcotics efforts.

Trump threatens to decertify Colombia as partner in war on drugs

Santos has been calling to rethink the US-led war on drugs for more than five years and teamed up with the United Nations last year to tackle the cultivation of coca, the base ingredient of cocaine.

The Colombian president and his counterparts from Brazil, Panama and Peru on Monday had a meeting with Trump to discuss an ongoing crisis in Venezuela.

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After that informal summit, Santos told press in New York City, he had a private meeting with the top official.

President Juan Manuel Santos

Santos’ again stressed the responsibility of the US, the world’s largest consumption market of cocaine, to curb consumption that would drive incentives to produce the drug.

Colombia’s new strategy, which includes a crop substitution and rural development program, has received the support from the US government, with the exception of Trump and Assistant Secretary of State William Brownfield, a former ambassador to Bogota.

Facing this apparent division within the US government, Santos seemed defiant to defend his administrations’ efforts to defend his country’s counter-narcotics policy against criticism.

President Juan Manuel Santos

Trump’s surprise threat was not received well in Colombia, traditionally one of the US’ staunchest allies in the hemisphere.

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