The President that a possible paramilitary infiltration in the Supreme Court should be investigated, after paramilitary head Salvatore Mancuso had said that the Court had been infiltrated by the AUC.Uribe also announced the government asked Congress to let its Commission of Accusation criminally investigate members of the Supreme Court for slander.The President said Interior Minister Fabio Valencia Cossio will persist in preparing the parliamentary vote necessary to force a referendum about a possible repeat of the 2006 presidential elections.One of the Presidential advisers told Caracol Noticias Uribe wasn’t looking for an extra four years, but just wanted the population to secure his current mandate.Uribe is involved in a fierce battle with Colombia’s Supreme Court, after it asked the Constitutional Court Thursday to investigate the legitimacy of Uribe’s re-election in 2006, because of the alleged bribery of former congresswoman Yidis Medina to get a law passed, making the re-election possible.