Topless dancers draw crowds at Barranquilla Carnival

barranquilla, festival, topples

Visitors to the 2010 Barranquilla Carnival, which opened this Saturday in a haze of glitter and sound, witnessed a new trend amongst the parade’s performers – topless dancing made its first ever appearance at the colorful annual event.

Three female performers from the dance troop Disfrazate, in a show that payed homage to the sociologist Adolfo Gonzalez, thrilled audiences with their artfully painted bare torsos and sensual dance moves, never before seen in the Colombian city’s celebrations, and more customary for Brazil’s Rio carnival, reported El Heraldo.

“It was a marvelous experience. The nicest thing was the public’s acceptance” said Disfrazate dancer Veronica, explaining that audiences had shown respect and appreciation for the work that had gone into the show’s production, as well as for the confidence of the painted performers.

The carnival’s opening weekend drew some 800,000 visitors to the coastal city and saw some of the most lavish dance and music performances to date.

To see pictures taken at this weekend’s festivities, click here.

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