The meaning of Shakira’s dreams

Colombia news - Shakira

Shakira regularly talks about the meaning of that weird dream she had last night with her therapist, reported on Monday.

A recent series of dreams that the Colombian pop princess had included insects, specifically grasshoppers.

When Shakira told her therapist about this, she found out that grasshoppers are a symbol of happiness in Chinese culture.

Even stranger, the Barranquilla-born pop star apparently used to keep the bugs as pets when she was a child, making the happiness interpretation deeper and more meaningful, or something.

And just so you don’t think that she’s totally bizarre, she didn’t call her therapist specifically to ask about the meaning of grasshoppers in dreams, it just came up naturally in their frequent conversations.

The spiritual singer also enjoyed her recent chance to meet the the Tibetan religious leader “The Dalai Lama was nice, but I suppose being nice is part of his whole thing though, isn’t it? I didn’t want to say anything, I just wanted to listen, especially to his laugh. It sounded like optimism.”

“It sounded like, ‘Hey it is definitely possible to be happy’.”

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