Tatiana de los Rios in soup film flip-flop

Gossip hounds Sweet, always ahead of the game with the stories that matter, have dropped the bombshell news that actress Tatiana de los Rios was going to star in a film but now isn’t.

According to Sweet, de los Rios had been earmarked for a leading role in director Mario Ribero’s “Mama, tomate la sopa” (Mom, drink the soup) after the director fell for the Colombian star’s many charms.

However, just days before filming was scheduled to begin, de los Rios was subjected to a makeover that left her with little girl bangs, making her seem much younger. Unfortunately for de los Rios, the role called for a more ‘mature’ beauty.

Sweet’s Deepthroat-esque sources claim the director then told the dejected dazzler, “I’m sorry Tatiana, but not even a bald patch would make you look as old as this character.”

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