Colombia tax office supports proposal for land reform
Colombia’s tax office has threw its weight behind land reform Thursday by supporting proposals for taxes on the country’s nearly 40 million acres of unproductive land. The director of the…
Colombia’s tax office has threw its weight behind land reform Thursday by supporting proposals for taxes on the country’s nearly 40 million acres of unproductive land. The director of the…
A leading United Nations Development Program (UNDP) figure has called for the government to change its economic focus from big business to the public good to reform rural Colombia. On…
Colombia’s agriculture minister said the farming sector could confront the international financial crisis by increasing the country’s food production. Minister Juan Camilo Restrepo Salazar also said in an interview with Caracol…
Colombia needs a drastic rural reform if the country wants to further develop, decrease its high inequality rate and diminish the country’s violence, the United Nations says.
Colombian Agricultural Minister Juan Camilo Restrepo announced a government project to help boost the production of 10,000 small farms in Colombia, the news site CM& reported Monday. The Planting Plan…
Coca-Cola and Proexport announced Thursday that they will bring the most important members of their organizations to try three Colombian fruit juices, including the delicious mango, lulo, and blackberry, with…
Colombia’s agricultural minister announced a number of tasks Sunday necessary to prepare the country for a potential free trade agreement with the United States, economic magazine Portafolio reported. Although the…
The wife and two children of former Agriculture Minister Andres Felipe Arias have left Colombia after being threatened, several Colombian media reported Friday. “His family has been victim of numerous…
A government program has encouraged farmers to substitute cocoa and other products for coca, the raw ingredient of cocaine. Diego Aponte, the presidential advisor and director of Social Action, announced…