Supreme Court judges receive death threats

Several judges of the Supreme Court Thursday received death threats
through leaflets, Supreme Court president Augusto Ibañez, told local

The chairman of the Criminal Division, Julio Enrique Socha Salamanca, received a letter with intimidation and threats at his office. The letter also included a name of one assistant judge.

Socha immediately reported the incident to the respective authorities and ordered an increased security at each office of the judges.

The authorities also discovered a criminal plan against other judges of the Supreme Court, a former peace commissioner and two political leaders.

The plan was to threaten the lives of judges Ibañez and Jaime Alberto Arrubla Paucar, former peace commissioner Victor G. Ricardo, presidential candidate German Vargas Lleras and one of his faithful followers, Senator Rodrigo Lara Restrepo.

It is not known who sent the threat messages or who made the plan.

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